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Waterford Tax Levy Lawyer

Do you have an outstanding tax debt you have failed to sort out with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) after a long time? If your answer is yes, you may be facing a tax levy which is the final action the IRS can take to collect your tax dues. You can still appeal the tax levy, but if you don’t do it on time, you will lose your assets like vehicles, houses, and wages that will set you back financially.

tax settlement and tax levy

Whether you have received a notice from the IRS that they will levy your properties due to your tax debt, don’t worry. There are still ways to stop the levy from proceeding and protect your assets as you pay your tax debt. But, if you don’t want to make a mistake in doing these ways, you should hire a competent and experienced Waterford tax levy lawyer who can assist you.

At Defense Tax Partners, you don’t have to worry about the complicated steps involved in sorting out ways of getting the tax levy prevented and your tax debt paid. We have handled many cases that required intense negotiations with the IRS to prevent asset levies from taking place and agree on a debt resolution plan that will get the taxes paid in the shortest amount of time possible. Our team will work fast to get the negotiations ongoing because we only have a maximum of 30 days after receiving a final levy notice from the agency. Defense Tax Partners will tailor the service to suit your needs and get the best result all parties can agree upon.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (860) 362-2738 for your Free Consultation with a Waterford Tax Levy Lawyer!

What is a Tax Levy?

The IRS has several ways to collect a debt, but if the taxpayer continues to ignore these actions or fails to reach out to the agency for an alternative payment agreement, the agency has no choice but to call in a tax levy.

A tax levy involves the following process:

  1. The IRS will assess the tax debt.
  2. The tax bill or a Notice and Demand for Payment will be sent to the taxpayer.
  3. If the due is not paid or there is no attempt in negotiating for a better debt settlement plan, the agency will send a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and a Notice of Your Right to a Hearing to the taxpayer.
  4. The taxpayer is given 30 days to satisfy the debt or finalize a new debt settlement plan. If nothing happens in 30 days, the IRS will execute a levy on your assets.

Any asset that has high value and can be used to pay off the taxpayer’s tax debt will be considered. A trusted Waterford tax levy lawyer can guide you through the various types of tax levies the agency can impose, and they are as follows:

Bank Levies

Bank levies are the most common type of tax levies imposed on taxpayers who fail to pay off their debt. In this levy, the IRS will reach out to your bank and ask them to freeze your account for 21 days until you pay off your debt. If you fail to pay off your debt, the account will be seized, and any money in the account will be taken as tax debt. The process will continue until the debt is satisfied.

Property Seizure

Property seizures involve properties with high value, such as private vehicles, houses, dividends, licenses, cash loans, insurance policies, and other similar properties. After a certain period, these properties will be sold, and the money that will be received from the sale will be used to pay off your tax debt.

Reduced Tax Refunds

florida tax attorneyIf you receive either state or federal tax refunds, the IRS will take them completely or a huge part of it for your tax payment.

Wage Garnishment

The levy can also be done through wage garnishment, an action that will lead to you receiving a reduced salary because part of your salary will be sent directly to the IRS by your company as a tax payment.

Wage garnishment ends if the entire debt is paid, you are able to get a new repayment scheme from the agency, and if your case falls under the statute of limitations.

Preventing a Tax Levy

If you are facing a tax levy, the best way to resolve it is by paying your tax debt in full. However, not everyone can pay off their tax debt because of their financial situation.

irs attorney

Fortunately, the government understands that there will be taxpayers who can’t pay their taxes in full and offer a variety of tax debt relief programs they can avail themselves of. Defense Tax Partners can assist you in understanding each one of these programs and help you pick the best one for your situation. We will do our best to increase your chances of getting an approved relief program application and help you keep up with your new payment scheme.

Some of the tax debt relief programs we can help you with include:

  1. Offer in Compromise
  2. Innocent Spouse Relief
  3. Installment plans
  4. Currently Not Collectible (CNC) Status

But what if the IRS is already starting the levy? Don’t worry! The levy can still be prevented, and you can still protect your properties and assets. We can appeal to the IRS about their decision and argue that the levy has put you in a very difficult financial situation that you can’t recover from. We will also negotiate for a payment plan that you can follow for your taxes and get the agency to agree to it. Rest assured, we will do our best to reach a favorable settlement with the agency for your tax debt and protect your assets in the process.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (860) 362-2738 for your Free Consultation with a Waterford Tax Levy Lawyer!

Professional Legal Representation

When the IRS indicates that they will levy your property for your failure to pay your taxes, you need to mobilize immediately because you only have a few weeks to stop them from taking your assets. However, if you reach out to a Waterford tax levy lawyer who can negotiate with the IRS for a better tax payment scheme, you can prevent the levy from taking place.

At Defense Tax Partners, we can provide you with the legal representation you need to get the levy postponed even if you received the Notice and Demand for Payment from the agency. Once you reach out to us, we will immediately look at the possible options available to get your tax dues paid with the IRS and protect your assets from potential levies.

Defense Tax Partners also offers the following legal services for the following tax situations:

1. Passport Reinstatement
2. Tax Lien Removal
3. Innocent Spouse
4. Audit Representation
5. Tax Preparation
6. Penalty Abatement
7. Tax Resolution
8. Offer in Compromise
9. Wage Garnishment Removal
10. Bank Levy Removal

No matter what property is involved in the tax levy or how much your tax due is, our legal team is ready to provide you with all the legal services you need to get the case resolved and prevent the levy from being enforced. We will personalize our services to suit your situation and fight for the best possible result.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

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Before your property and wages are levied by the agency, get the help of a trusted Waterford tax levy lawyer who can speak to the IRS for a different tax payment scheme and stop the levy from being enforced.

Defense Tax Partners can help you reach an ideal settlement with the IRS for your taxes and keep your property safe from possible seizures while you try to pay your taxes. Make us your tax law firm today, and we’ll help you whenever you find yourself having tax issues at either the federal or state level.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (860) 362-2738 for your Free Consultation with a Waterford Tax Levy Lawyer!